When you are heading home after a relaxing break in your Spanish holiday home, you remember to pack your suitcase, the passport, your camera and now your mask and hand sanitiser. But did you sort out your holiday home security systems?
Holiday home security systems are an important consideration if you are moving between your home country and Spain throughout the year. It is particularly important if your holiday home will be left empty for long periods of time. These systems do not only provide peace of mind that your property is secure, but not having one installed can have legal implications.
Alarm Systems and the Law
Abraham Schneider, from Securitas Direct, said: "Squatting can be a problem here in Spain with many homes not lived in all year round. If a house does not have a security system installed, then legally the squatters can´t be removed by police. Many clients are horrified to hear this and it is a big reason why people who own homes in Spain need to seriouisly consider fitting an alarm system."
Abraham said that there were other things that home owners should consider, including changing the locks if you have just bought the property or it is rented out regularly. There is no way of telling how many keys might be in circulation. Making sure the house is well lit and doesn´t look empty is also a good deterrent.
He said random timed switches for internal lights, radios and televisions; dummy security cameras were all other security measures for owners to consider.
Limited Time for Huge Discount
With all of this in mind, IPP Spain has managed to secure a special deal with Abraham and Securitas Direct. We are offering our clients a huge discount on Securitas Direct security systems for this coming week only.
The first 20 people to provide Abraham at Securitas Direct with the code below by Friday 21st August will receive their Securitas Direct holiday home alarm system at a 50% discount. And, Abraham and his team are not charging installation costs.
The special discount code is: DMIPP107780.
This video explains the diferent components of the system and how it all works. For further information about the special offer and installation of the security system please email Abraham Schneider [email protected].
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